Minimising our impact on the environment

Required reporting for 2022/23 SECR disclosures is mandatory for listed and large unlisted UK companies with reporting cycles beginning on or after 1 April 2019.

This report summarises our energy usage, associated emissions, energy efficiency actions and energy performance under the government policy Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (“SECR”). This is implemented by the Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations 2018.

As Totally is listed on the AIM market it is only mandated to include energy consumption, emissions, intensity metrics and energy efficiency improvements implemented in our most recent financial year.

For the year ended 31 March 2023 in scope operations includes subsidiaries Vocare Limited and Greenbrook Healthcare Limited.


Year 4

Totally’s Scope 1 and 3 direct emissions (combustion of natural gas and transportation fuels) for the year ended 31 March 2023 are 166.37 tCO2 e, resulting from the direct combustion of 804,897 kWh of fuel. This represents a carbon increase of 5.43% from last year.

Scope 2 indirect emissions (purchased electricity) are 92.26 tCO2 e, resulting from the consumption of 477,100 kWh of electricity purchased and consumed in day-to-day business operations. This represents a carbon increase of 16% from last year, reflecting continued efforts to decrease carbon offset by the impact of staff returning to the office following an extended period of working from home and the move to a hybrid vehicle fleet.

Our operations have an intensity metric of 1.90 tCO2 e per £m turnover for this reporting year. This represents a reduction in operational carbon intensity of 12.8% from our previous reporting year.

SECR chart with intensity4.png

Scope 1 – Consumption and emissions related to direct combustion of natural gas, and fuels utilised for transportation operations, such as company vehicle fleets.

Scope 2 – Consumption and emissions related to indirect emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity in day to day business operations.

Scope 3 – Consumption and emissions related to emissions resulting from sources not directly owned by Totally plc. This relates to grey fleet (business travel undertaken in employee-owned vehicles) only.


1. Estimated by invoice based on actual usage for the year.


Reporting methodology

This report (including the Scope 1, 2 and 3 consumption and CO2 e emissions data) has been developed and calculated using the GHG Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (World Business Council for Sustainable Development and World Resources Institute, 2004); Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Scope 2 Guidance (World Resources Institute, 2015); ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-2 (ISO, 2018; ISO, 2019a); and Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Guidance (HM Government, 2019). Government Emissions Factor Database 2022 version 1 has been used, utilising the published kWh gross calorific value (“CV”) and kgCO2 e emissions factors relevant for the reporting period.

Totally has direct control over, pays for, and has access to impact 2% of the total energy consumption data for the sites we occupy. 98% of the sites we occupy are part of landlord supplies within buildings, including hospitals managed by the NHS.

This report makes use of estimated emissions based on projected consumption for the period. These full-year estimations were applied to three electricity supplies and two gas supplies. Estimations equated to 100% of reported consumption.

Intensity metrics have been calculated using total tCO2 e figures, and the selected performance indicator agreed for the relevant period: Total turnover in 2022/23 (2021/22) £135.7 million (£127.4 million).

Actions taken during the year

We are committed to identifying ways to support the reduction of our carbon footprint and although the majority of our costs are people related, we continue to seek new ways to reduce our impact on the environment.

A register of energy efficiency measures has been compiled (ESOS Phase 2) with a view to implementing these measures by 2026. No new major energy efficiency actions were undertaken during the period. However, we are now looking to introduce an environmental accreditation as part of our journey towards net zero.

All our hybrid vehicles and air conditioning are serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ intervals to ensure they continue to operate effectively and efficiently.

Sustainable progress has also been made on encouraging employees to be more environmentally aware in the undertaking of our business, for example the reduction of printing, and single-use plastics and increased recycling.

Future steps

Data collation actions to support the full disclosure of Scopes 1, 2 and 3 in line with ESOS Phase 3 are on track for the 3 December 2023 deadline.